Environment Policy

This document provides a brief statement that outlines Envams’ commitment to reducing its impact on the environment.

It provides a framework for setting environmental objectives and targets to continually improve environmental performance.

Environmental Policy Statement

Envams provides environmental assessment and management services to renewable energy developers on UK projects, to support the low carbon energy transition through responsible development.

Envams is committed to:

  • Continually improving its environmental performance by monitoring progress against targets and objectives on a regular basis;
  • Preventing pollution and reduce its impact on the environment; and
  • Complying with relevant environmental legislation.

The directors, management and staff are responsible for environmental performance through the Environmental Management System, seeking improvement by constant review.

Principal Environmental Impacts

Envams principal direct impacts are energy use by staff computers/communications and staff travel to site for surveys/meetings. 

Envams principal indirect impacts are through its influence on client projects, which are renewable energy developments.

Envams acknowledges that its indirect impacts are much larger than its direct impacts and hence its Environmental Management System focuses principally on indirect impacts.



Paul Phillips, Director

Date: 12th July 2022